Kia ora

Thanks for coming to this page to learn about our purpose, story, and ways of working.

We are the Joined Up Systems Trust (JUST). Our charitable purpose is “To encourage and support the integration of health and social care services”.

The reason we’re needed is that health and social care systems are very large, very complex, and constantly changing. This can make it hard for our health and social care professionals to work in a connected way.  They are often working as ‘islands of excellence in a sea of fragmentation’.

“A quarter of my pupils have anxiety and behavioural challenges. I need to know what health and social services are available for them, and when and how to access those services. I also need to know what I can do in the classroom with the pupils before calling for help. I know there are good supports out there, but they change so frequently and I don’t know how to connect with them.”  - Teacher, Intermediate School.

“When I think my patient needs specialist services I refer them into the hospital. But it seems to be a lottery who gets seen first, if at all. I know the hospital doctors do their best, but we’re not working as a joined up system so it’s pretty stressful for our patients and us too.” - General Practitioner.

Our work encourages and supports health and social care system leaders and front-line professionals to work more effectively together to deliver the best possible outcomes for the populations they serve.

Our story

Emma Harding and Ian Anderson established the JUST trust in 2023. Emma and Ian have been working in and around the health and education sectors since 1995. They are also the founders of Streamliners and co-founders of SchoolDocs, both of which have their head offices in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Emma and Ian started Streamliners in the year 2000. Its purpose was to support front line workers in a range of industries to access the information they needed ‘on the job’ to get on with the task immediately in front of them. By 2010 Streamliners was mostly focused on the health sector with a service for general practice teams called HealthPathways. By 2023 Streamliners was delivering the HealthPathways service throughout New Zealand, Australia, and, increasingly, the United Kingdom. The Streamliners purpose evolved into “improving the health and wellbeing of people around the world”.

With Streamliners growing into a global business, Emma and Ian turned their minds to ensuring it would stay based in New Zealand with global reach, not be sold, and continue to focus on its purpose beyond their tenure as owners. To support this goal, they created the JUST trust, and transferred their shareholding to it. Hence, any future dividends from Streamliners go to JUST, enabling it to perform its charitable purpose.

How we work

JUST sponsors activities that encourage and support better integration of our health and social care services. We may sponsor:

  • Seminars and conferences aimed at bringing health and social care leaders together to work on improved integration of their services
  • Programmes that explore, validate, refine, and scale new ways of supporting improved integration of services
  • Evaluations of integration models, and sharing of information about them to encourage their adoption at scale
  • Specific support to front line health and social care workers, in the form of written guidance and/or professional development,  where market failure or government priorities have left a gap leading to less than optimal outcomes for specific populations

The activities we sponsor are focused within Aotearoa New Zealand. However, JUST’s association with Streamliners means that we are globally connected and therefore benefit from conducting our activities in collaboration with global partners.

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”Helen Keller

Support given

In the 2023/24 year JUST funded the national liaison and coordination function of Kete Tautoko Tamariki - Stronger Schools.  JUST has also committed to fund the function in 2024/25.

In June 2024 JUST committed funding to the developers of Rangatahi Well (guidance to secondary schools for supporting the wellbeing of young people in Years 9 to 13) to create a  view of key resources from within the website for rangatahi to access directly.

Contact us

If you are aware of opportunities to make ‘system level’ improvements in the way health and social care services can work in a more integrated fashion, then please send us a message via the contact form.

Alternatively, you are welcome to email us